
Top 10 Things guys hate! How to lose a guy in 10 ways!

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This video is about the top 10 things guys hate about girls and how to lose a guy in 10 ways. These top 10 bad habits lead to break ups. Avoid these habits in your relationship at all costs.

How to loose a guy in 10 ways. If you don’t want to find yourself single avoid these 10 behaviors.
1. Nagging- If you got a good man show your appreciation by letting the small things go!
If your man provides for you, protects you, makes love to you passionately and treats you with respect, stop complaining about the fact that he doesn’t do the dishes unless you ask him to! Take the good with the bad. Especially if he not a cheater, because he could be NOT DOING somebody else’s dishes.

2. Not Being his partner- Guys love sports partly because of the comradery of a team. Together each achieves more. Your man shouldn’t have to fight the world, and then come home a fight with you as well. Be on his side like a teammate. A best friend. Support him. Never add to his load. A good woman is a good man’s peace. She is his refuge.

3. Not caring about his passions-In being your man teammate or best friend one of your responsibility’s is to encourage him and believe in him. He should be able to share his passions with you. The things that matter to him should matter to you. You don’t get to decide if his passions are stupid or not. Never dismiss his dreams. When you believe in him it helps him believe in himself. If you dismiss his passions he may take that as you dismissing him!

4. Not appreciating him- Actions speak louder than words. Make his life easier with your actions. Reward his good behavior with your actions. Head and a home cooked meal go a lot further than y’all think it does. How about a nice back rub? Care for him in a way that shows him you appreciate him.

5. Down talking him to others- Yall business is yall business. Stop telling people yall problems.or even worse, Don’t get your ass on facebook, talking about how he aint spit and he done pissed you off. For the life of me I don’t understand why people take they relationship problems to facebook. They usually get back together bout the people around them are the ones who truly never forget all that dirty laundry.

6. Bitchy ness- Some women are just plain mean once they get comfortable in a relationships. They are so sweet in the beginning. They use a baby voice ,they kiss they man passionately, they rub his shoulders. After some time goes by they look away when they kiss him and say stuf like rub your own damn shoulders. Remember why you liked him in the first place. A man should never feel rejected by his own woman.

7. Emotional inconsistency- There should be some level of predictability in your moods. People hate walking on egg shells around an emotionally inconsistent people. Volatile irrational women have no problem chasing men away because they are drama queens who over react to everything.

8. Not being direct- You have no right to talk down about your man for not giving you what you want, if you haven’t told him. Men cannot read minds. Don’t act as though he should JUST KNOW. Cut the mind games and just say what it is that you want, whether its more affection, better sex, more help around the house, or more dates. Don’t wait until you’ve fallen out of love, to bring up the things that bother you.

9. Communicating poorly when angry- When your angry you still have to watch what you say. One comment can destroy the respect in your relationship. Exercise restraint while upset. Your man will assume anything you say while angry is how you really feel. Don’t tear him down in an effort to win the argument. Only say things you would be proud to repeat at a calmer time.

10. Letting yourself go! I don’t give a damn what day time tv has taught you. If your man was attracted to a particular thing about you when you met him, keep it up. You don’t get to decide if he should care or not. If you were 130 pounds in the beginning don’t complain that he doesn’t touch you enough at 230. If you cooked for him in the beginning, don’t look at him sideways after a few years when he looks to you for dinner. Be who he fell in love with.

That’s my how to lose a guy in ten ways list. If you want more like this or you have any questions write me at kevhicktalksguyswithgirls@@gmail.com. Like comment subscribe until next time.

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