
Social Anxiety and The Walking Dead - Ep. 4

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Psych Rally is a podcast about Psychotherapy and Mental Health, hosted by Psychologist Dr. Martin Hsia. The podcast ran actively from 2016 to 2019 and featured interviews with various mental health professionals, people sharing about their own struggles with various issues, and conversations about psychology in politics and pop culture.

Dr. Nikki Frousakis is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in California, and has worked with the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Southern California and the Department of Veterans Affairs. In Episode 4 (published August 11th, 2016), Dr. Frousakis joins Martin on Psych Rally to clarify perceptions about the diagnosis and treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. In addition, tune in to hear their thoughts about the main psychological themes on AMC's The Walking Dead, and find out why Dr. Frousakis once did jumping jacks at a Whole Foods salad bar.

Episode 4 is sponsored by: TZK Seminars http://www.tzkseminars.com/Custom/TZKSeminars/TZKSeminarsDefault.aspx

Dr. Nikki Frousakis https://cbtsocal.com/?s=nikki+frousakis
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Southern California http://www.cbtsocal.com

Mentioned in Episode 4:The Mind Matters series on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr9XCAVmc8SMcT_Jz0yS2DQ
The Reality Slap by Russ Harris https://www.amazon.com/Reality-Slap-Finding-Peace-Fulfillment/dp/160882280X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=AG7XSKJFR7DF9HDAE3YC&linkCode=sl1&tag=psych0ff-20&linkId=ee69c620952eb891f1077ed2a3d2eb95
Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/031611300X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=psych0ff-20&linkId=0b180ee5aa3b91668faa10cd06fb717e
AMC's The Walking Dead https://www.amazon.com/The-Walking-Dead-Season-1/dp/B0049VVE7Y/ref=tmm_aiv_swatch_1?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Hsia practices with the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Southern California (https://cbtsocal.com) in Glendale, CA. His specialties include helping people with Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and Insomnia.

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