
One Hour of Italian Anti-Fascist Resistance (la Resistenza) Music

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Viva la Resistenza!

0:00 - Bella Ciao (Goodbye Beautiful)
2:06 - La brigata Garibaldi (The Garibaldi Brigade)
4:31 - Col parabello in spalla (With the Parabello on His Shoulder)
5:41 - E se i tedeschi (And If the Germans)
6:55 - Là su quei monti (There on Those Mountains)
9:14 - Marciam, marciam (March, March)
10:58 - Compagni, fratelli Cervi (Comrades, the Cervi Brothers)
12:42 - Se non ci ammazza i crucchi (If the Krauts Won't Have Us)
15:42 - La Badoglieide (The Badoglio Song)
19:02 - Dalle belle città (From the Beautiful Cities)
21:18 - Il bersagliere ha cento penne (The Bersagliere Has a Hundred Feathers)
24:18 - Cosa rimiri mio bel partigiano (What Do You Admire, My Beautiful Partisan)
28:42 - Canzone dell' 8 settembre (Song of 8 September)
30:26 - Partigiani di Castellino (Partisans of Castellino)
31:50 - Con la guerriglia (With the Guerrillas)
33:47 - Emmu vinta à battagia (We Won the Battle)
35:20 - Dai monti di Sarzana (From the Mountains of Sarzana)
37:25 - Quei briganti neri (Those Black Brigands)
41:07 - Addio Compagno Lupo (Goodbye Comrade Lupo)
43:34 - Cime nevose (Snowy Peaks)
47:10 - Addio valle Roja (Goodbye Val Roja)
50:42 - Sutta a chi tucca (Whose Turn Is Next)
53:09 - Attraverso valli e monti (Through Valleys and Mountains)
55:22 - Canzone dei Partigiani Reggiani (Song of the Reggian Partisans)
57:00 - Rosso levante e ponente (Red East and West)
58:25 - Fischia il vento (The Wind Blows)

Bilibili: bilibili.com/video/BV17u411k7j6
Catalan Communist Music on Bilibili: bilibili.com/video/BV1dP4y1j7qx

One Hour of Italian Anti-Fascist Resistance (la Resistenza) Music

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