
When Duality is More Fun Than Non-Duality | The Beauty Of Advaita Vedanta-Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji

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Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji explores the idea that even after realizing the non-dualistic truth of the devotee and God being one, some find the experience of duality more beautiful. Using the metaphor of an undivided ocean of Consciousness with waves representing individual identities, he explains that the devotee can continue to see themselves as a wave while recognizing the vast ocean as the Divine mother. This duality allows for the experience of love and the enjoyment of the play of Duality. Before Enlightenmet duality can lead to delusion, but after Enlightenment, one can construct a duality for the sake of love. Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji shares a story about a scholar who fought for the dualistic view of God and the self being separate realities but later came to agree with a monk advocating for non-dualism. However, the scholar was criticized for his inconsistency, as the formless Brahman can also appear in forms. Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji also discusses the concept of Brahman as a divine party, where worldly experiences, including old age, disease, and misery, are perceived as awful due to our lack of self-realization as the absolute. Once one identifies with Brahman and understands their absolute security, these experiences become part of the divine play, making life more enjoyable, as Wittgenstein's quote about religion as a search for absolute security illustrates.

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