
The Basics of Stoic Ethics | A Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Lecture

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My Listenable Course: Basics of Stoic Philosophy and Practice - https://listenable.io/web/courses/440/

This was an invited lecture at Rockford University, hosted by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship, provided to students during one of the class sessions.

In the course of the lecture, we discuss some of the ideas central to Stoic Ethics, including what is in our control and what is not, the nature of genuine goods, the cardinal virtues (wisdom or prudence, temperance or moderation, justice, and courage), and the nature of duties, including how they fit into our roles and relationships.

We also discuss a bit about moral theories in general, and what it is that we want moral theories to do or to provide for us.

#stoicism #philosophy #ethics

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