
Skultuna With a Killer Set Of Ads

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Skultuna With a Killer Set Of Ads

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Skultuna. You know, these kind of creatives or silhouettes of the product, as they're called, I actually learned that from a client, that term. So shouts out Jamie. This is a pretty cool way to just show your product simply. There's not a lot to be said for that type of creative, aside from the fact that you need to have it as a part of your strategy. They've just got to be, you've just got to be showing your products to prospects and customers, so free global delivery is very important to have in your ads. In the world we're in with Amazon today, one day delivery, one hour delivery, if you've got free shipping, delivery, you've got to have it in your ad.

So Skultuna creates timeless designs with a clear link to its 400 year old brass production heritage. We make tomorrow's antiques. That's pretty cool copy. There's a lot of depth to this company, is what they're saying. And to be making brass for 400 years and them now moving into the bracelet world with that skill really says a lot about why I'm going to buy this, okay? Just give me one little nugget that I can tell somebody, and I've got a little bit of social currency. It's the reason that I'm buying this particular bracelet. I'm sure that there's nothing too insanely different about this brass bracelet than any other brass bracelet. The difference is that this one's made at a 400 year old brass production company. That's the thing that makes me understand that it's going to be quality, well made, and it's going to hold up to all of the promises that I'm made throughout the purchase process. If your company has something that is a unique identifying quality and you're not sharing it in your ads, you are missing a very big opportunity.

My name's Bobby Dietz. That's another ad review done, and we'll see you in the next one.

Prepare Your Marketing for iOS 15 — Interview with Bobby Dietz of ATTN Agency

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