
💯超级美味的黄焖牛肉,用Costco Beef Chuck Pot Roast,牛肉软嫩入味,汤汁浓郁,盖饭浇面都很棒!巧用贝贝南瓜|Incredibly Delicious Braised Beef

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贴秋膘的季节做它再合适不过了!Costco最便宜的牛肉大概就是这种牛肩肉了(Beef chuck pot roast),用它做黄焖牛肉非常合适。我在传统黄焖牛肉基础上做改进,效果非常好!

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Ingredients 用料:
2 lbs (910g) beef chuck pot roast 牛肩肉
2 carrots 胡萝卜
2 potatoes 土豆
1 kabocha squash 贝贝南瓜 (日本南瓜)
3 star anise 八角
1 cinnamon 桂皮
1 tsp Sichuan peppercorn 花椒
2 dried chili peppers 干辣椒
4 bay leaves 香叶
2 tbsp soybean paste 黄豆酱
1 tbsp sweet bean paste 甜面酱
1 tbsp soy sauce 酱油
1 tbsp cooking wine 料酒
Green onion 葱
Ginger 姜
Garlic 蒜

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