
Stoicism's Simple Secret To Being Happier | Ryan Holiday | Daily Stoic

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Stoicism is a practical philosophy and one of the fundamental tenets is that if you want to be happy, you have to flip the script. You can't try to meet your desires, instead, you should limit them.

To learn more about Stoicism, check out the Daily Stoic's FREE GUIDE to Stoic philosophy: https://dailystoic.com/freeguide

In this video, Ryan Holiday discusses the most important insight into happiness from the writings of Marcus Aurelius and the Stoics. Marcus Aurelius was student of the philosophy of Stoicism. In his journal, now known at Meditations, Marcus Aurelius has many key insights on how to live a happy life.

Daily Stoic is a community built around the teachings of Stoicism. If you're wondering "What does Stoicism mean?", "Who was Marcus Aurelius?", "How to be a stoic?" or "How to practice stoicism in daily life?" check out the other videos on this channel or the Daily Stoic on other platforms!

Stoicism is a practical philosophy. The main thinkers that the Daily Stoic focuses on in stoicism are Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. The Daily Stoic is a guide to how to practice Stoicism in your daily life, the daily routines of Stoicism, and is a practical guide to Stoicism. This channel is Stoicism 101, it will tell you what Stoicism is and how to be a Stoic. Ryan Holiday has been practicing stoicism and writing about stoicism for more than a decade and his insights will give you guidance to practicing stoicism in your day to day life.


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Ryan Holiday has influenced the modern stoicism movement greatly. His books are read by modern Stoicism's practitioners like Tim Ferriss, Robert Greene, and others.

#Stoicism #DailyStoic #RyanHoliday #MementoMori #AmorFati #MarcusAurelius #StoicDaily #DailyRoutine #Improvement #Happiness #philosophy #Seneca

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