
15 Minute Tabata HIIT Workout for Treadmill, Elliptical, Rowing Machine etc. - POV Virtual Scenery

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This Tabata HIIT workout consists of 5 minutes warm-up/cool-down and eight 20 seconds all-out intensity intervals with 10 seconds of recovery in between, while moving along the Peacock Lake Cascade before sunrise. Use it on your treadmill, elliptical, stepper or even rowing machine for extra motivation.

The Cooldown-Phase will include a small timer for four optional additional intervals, in case you need more to achieve sufficient exhaustion.

The timing of this workout follows the scientific Tabata Protocol, comparing the effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max( Link to the study: https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/1996/10000/Effects_of_moderate_intensity_endurance_and.18.aspx ). The study found that Tabata HIIT improved aerobic capacity to a similar degree as 60 minutes of moderate-intensity continuous training, but also resulted in a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity.

0:00 Intro
1:07 5 Minutes Warm-Up
5:56 Tabata HIIT 8x20/10
10:00 5 Minutes Cool-Down
15:00 Final Scenery and Sunrise

Some formal advice:
Make sure to prepare for the Tabata HIIT workout with a proper warmup.

With Tabata the high intensity intervals are done with an all-out effort. If a ninth interval is doable at highest efforts the resistance should be raised if possible.

Tabata is done with a single four minute HIIT segment. It takes experience to achieve the intensities the concept is designed for. Doing several four minute segments with short breaks in between is a HIIT workout, but not Tabata.

If you train on a treadmill use the grab handles for side-stepping from and returning to the revolving conveyor belt during the breaks.

Thanks for watching, and stay healthy!

#Tabata , #HIIT , #workout

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