
THE PUMP WORKOUT / Upper Body Complexes | EPIC II - Day 29

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Ready for that pumped feeling? My entire upper body was feeling that extra blood flow pumping to the muscles! Shoulders, chest, back and of course arms!

Each complex in this upper body dumbbell workout is a total of 2 minutes 30 so time will fly by!

After each complex, there is 45 seconds rest to grab a drink and to look at previews of the complex up next! There are only 2 exercises within each complex so simple to follow along and go at your own pace!

Some of the complexes involve 1 or 2 dumbbells. Most of the complexes involve exercises to be performed for 10 reps each, however afew are for 5 or 20 reps so just watch out for this!

All you will need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells, a chair and your mat! The dumbbells I am using are 8kg each.

Optional is to perform the decline push ups and walk into pike on the floor, so similar except feet on floor of you prefer not to raise feet onto elevated surface!

Bent over row x10
Alternating curls x10

Chest press x20
Deadstop push ups x10

Single arm shoulder press (switch each round!) x10
Frontal raise (same arm) x10

Decline push ups x10
Dips x10

Tricep press x 20
Hammer curls x 10

Shoulder press x10
Walk in to pike x10

Wide curls x 10
Overhead tricep extension x20

Single arm supine row x10 (switch each round)
Palms up curl x10 (same arm)

Skullcrushers x10
Tricep push ups x10

Renegade rows x10 (x5 each side)
Push ups x10

Pullovers x10

Single arm reverse fly x5 (switch side each round)
Lateral raise x5 (same side)

Alternating press x20
Push up to alt arm raise x10

Clean to press x10
Hammer hold pulses x20

45° frontal raise
Horizontal tricep extension

Remember... go at your own pace! If you see me pause, you keep going! But don’t cut corners... stop when you feel you can’t perform it the way you want!

Definitely an awesome upper body session... called it ‘the pump’ as I literally was after!



Please ensure you warm up! Here’s todays recommended warm up routine: https://youtu.be/PzyzfjtNHb0

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My Other Videos

▶ 20 Min UNWIND Stretch Routine: https://youtu.be/y87vSUoIMGU
▶ 10 Min STELLAR Ab Workout: https://youtu.be/kjH0HnC7370
▶ 30 Min COOL Cardio Workout: https://youtu.be/l3SuTllp8nw


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EPIC II Program:

▶ EPIC II Program Guide, FAQ’s and Schedule: https://carolinegirvan.com/epic-program.pdf
▶ The Official EPIC II Program Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhu1QCKrfgPVI4oP_bKz1NvbPgsRaE8AQ

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Business Enquiries:

▶ Email: info@carolinegirvan.com

Caroline Girvan
PO BOX 115

County Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT38 8WB

Disclaimer: If you are new to exercise or planning on embarking on a new fitness programme, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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