
Burn Belly Fat FAST With These Plank Variations

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A plank helps to burn fat rapidly, largely because it can engage multiple muscles at once. No wonder, it benefits the core strength of your body and boosts your metabolic rate to lose weight.


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In a nutshell:

No wonder, it benefits the core strength of your body and boosts your metabolic rate to lose weight. Although basic regular planks are a great way to start your weight loss journey, you can multiply the many benefits of planks, such as flattening your tummy by trying these plank challenging variations. Step 3: Distribute your weight evenly on the upper arms, tightening your abs and glutes, while keeping your torso straight. Reverse planks contract the core muscles and work out the region, so as to burn fat. This plank variation can tone your body and burn fat. Step 2: Gently press into your palms and lift your hips and torso towards the ceiling, until it forms a straight line from head to toe. Step 3: Keep your arms and legs straight and brace your abs, keeping your neck relaxed. Step 1: Start off in a plank position with straight arms and hands directly underneath your shoulders. Step 3: Now, walk your right hand forward as far as possible, then bring your left hand to meet it, keeping your hand shoulder-width apart. Try to complete five steps to the right and then five again to the left for one set. Step 1: Start with the original plank position, open up your hips and chest towards your left side, first assuming the side plank position. Step 2: Raise your right arm towards the ceiling and let the left palm rest on the floor, while supporting the pose.

Like all plank variations, the alternating arm and leg raise is an excellent way to strengthen your core and lose weight. This plank belongs to the calisthenic exercise that primarily targets abs, glutes, hip flexors, lower back, obliques, quads, and shoulders. Step 1: Start in a regular plank position with hands shoulder-width apart and arms straight. Step 2: Keep your abs engaged and raise your right leg off the floor, until it’s at about hip height. Step 3: At this point, only the left leg and right hand will be in contact with the ground. Step 4: Hold the position for a second and bring back the left arm and right leg back to the floor.

Repeat with your left leg and right arm. Step 1: Start in plank position, with your forearms on the ground, shoulder-width apart, parallel to one another. Step 1: Start in a high plank position with your arms extended directly underneath your shoulders. Step 2: Dig your toes into the ground and lift your butt to where your shoulders line up with your hips. Step 2: Dig your toes into the ground and lift your butt to where your shoulders line up with your hips. Step 2: Then, lift your hips and hop both legs towards your hands, landing gently on your toes with knees bent. Step 2: Then, lift your hips and hop both legs towards your hands, landing flat on your feet.

Step 1: Start in a high plank position and perform one plank jack. Step 1: Start in a high plank position and perform one plank jack. Step 1: Start in a high plank position and perform one plank jack. Step 2: Then, lift your hips and hop both legs towards your hands. Step 4: Land flat on your feet in a squat, return your hands to the floor and hop your legs back into high plank. Step 1: Get into a plank position, making sure to distribute your weight evenly between your hands and your toes. Step 2: Check your form, your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and head in alignment.


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