
what it’s like to have social anxiety as an extrovert | and as a medical student

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Hi beautiful humans, social anxiety is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense feelings of worry and distress in social situations. In this video, I talk about my experience with social anxiety. It is a unique perspective because I consider myself an extrovert (an outgoing, overtly expressive person). Many think that social anxiety and “extrovertedness” are two mutually exclusive events. However, this is far from the truth! Though the manifestation may differ from that of introverts, social anxiety and the accompanying feelings can be experienced by everyone (yes, including extroverts)! An extrovert, like myself, may feel anxiety over how they are perceived by others or how they affect others!


Watch this video to learn more about my experience and comment below to share your experience!

P.S. This is not an actual Ted Talk !

Social Anxiety Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFhP4wP1TzU

#socialanxiety #extroverts

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what it’s like to have social anxiety as an extrovert | and as a medical student

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