
Most common reasons I see people for back pain part 2: programming (EliteFTS SWIS 2022)

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Part 2: Poor core programming choices are the most typical reasons why I see people with back pain concerning the deadlift. #core #fitness #deadlift #backpain #deadlifting

Brian's Testimonials: https://g.page/r/CV9blZS7pQvZEB0/review

Brian Carroll's Website: https://www.powerrackstrength.com/

Back Pained and want to return to lifting? Or need some guidance?

Schedule a consult with Brian: https://www.powerrackstrength.com/consult-brian-carroll/

Brian's Gift of Injury Co-authored Book with Dr. McGill: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/books/products/gift-of-injury

Dr. McGill's assessment book - Back mechanic: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/products/back-mechanic-by-dr-stuart-mcgill

Brian Carroll's Power Rack Strength CBD Line: https://powerrackstrengthcbd.com

Brian's 10/20/Life Strength training Manual: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/books/products/10-20-life-second-edition

Ultimate back fitness and performance: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/products/ultimate-back-fitness-and-performance-by-dr-suart-mcgill-6th-edition

A competitive powerlifter since 1999, Brian Carroll is one of the most accomplished lifters in the sport's history. Having lifted at the elite world-class level since 2005, Brian has well over a decade of world-class lifting experience. He has totaled more than ten times his body weight in three different classes, and both bench pressed and deadlifted over 800 pounds in two different classes. In his career, he’s totaled 2600 over 20 times in 2 different weight classes with his best totals of 220-2376, 242-2651, and 275-2730. Most recently (10.3.20) -Brian set the highest squat of all-time (regardless of weight class) with 1306lbs – being the first man to break the 1300lb squat barrier at a body-weight of 303lbs. Brian is now retired from competition is now dedicated to helping others avoid the same mistakes that he made in the past through private and group coaching.

Brian’s impressive recovery, documented in the best selling book co-authored with Dr. McGill 'Gift of Injury' has given him the opportunity to teach and deliver talks to physical therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, professional strength & conditioning coaches and experts from all facets of sport, on how to avoid injury, while building anti-fragile strength and resilience in athletes.

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