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LA한국문화원은 코로나-19로 위축된 일선 도장과 태권도 수련생 및 선수들에게 큰 힘과 용기를 북돋아 주기위해 마련된 ‘2020 온라인 태권도 품새 대회’를 성황리에 잘 마쳤습니다.
LA한국문화원은 대한민국의 대표 브랜드이자 문화 콘텐츠로서 세계인들의 관심과 사랑을 받고 있는 세계적 문화유산인 태권도가 이곳 미국에서 더욱 활성화 되길 바라며, 코로나 바이러스 위기를 함께 극복해 나가길 희망합니다.
다시한번 이번 대회에 많은 분들이 참가해주셔 진심으로 감사드립니다.
#Taekwondo #Sports #Korea #Koreanculture #kccla #TKD #Poomsae #tkdlife #doingthings #discipline #discover #quarantinelife #culture

The Korean Culture Center, Los Angeles (KCCLA) has successfully ended the ‘2020 Online Taekwondo Poomsae Championships” that was initiated to encourage the front-line taekwondo training centers, trainees, and players dispirited by the closures due to COVID-19.
As South Korea’s most representative brand and cultural content, KCCLA hopes that Taekwondo, a global cultural heritage that continues to receive the world’s attention and support, will become more widespread in the United States and overcome the COVID-19 crisis altogether.
Once again, we sincerely thank everyone who participated in the championships.
#Taekwondo #Sports #Korea #Koreanculture #kccla #TKD #Poomsae #tkdlife #doingthings #discipline #discover #quarantinelife #culture


[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 1: Introduction to Taekwondo

[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 15: Taekwondo Lifestyle

[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 14: Demonstration of Intermediate and Advanced Jump kicks

[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 6: Intermediate Kicking Techniques

[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 7: Intermediate Self-defense and Sparring

Day 8. Olympic Taekwondo & Globalization of Taekwondo

[2020 Online TKD Class] EP 10: Advanced Self-defense and Sparring

Day 1. Learning about fundamental attitude and training etiquettes in Taekwondo

Day 10. Purposes of training in Taekwondo

Day 5. Understanding of Educational Values and philosophy of Taekwondo

Day 3. Taekwondo basic techniques & self-training methods

Day 9. Self-defense drills based on Taekwondo Kyorugi techniques

California Taekwondo Day Declaration Ceremony

Day 6. Self-defense Applications of Taekwondo Poomsae techniques & Breaking skills

Day 7. Taekwondo Kyorugi “Sparring” training methods

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