
Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

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Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes.

Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
If you are forgetful, you need to practice.
3-5 minutes a day

The body has the instinct to adapt to its environment and evolve itself. Where you need improvement, you work on it.

This exercise requires a quick response from the brain. If you can do it with practice, it shows that the brain is improving.

Keep practicing for a long time to maintain the function of brain nerves and prevent dementia.

Just one exercise is not enough, I will share more exercises later, you can combine them for better results.

If you are in good physical condition, it is recommended that you start daily full-body exercises, 1 hour a day, in addition to hand exercises, and more, I think the results will be better.

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Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Exercise your brain to prevent premature aging.

Bedtime routine

Pat the forehead.

Feel restless, can't sleep? try it.

Enhance kidney energy, energetic.

Flick your fingers

Pat eyes

Improve thoracic flexibility and relieve pain.

240143-If your knee hurts after standing or walking for a long time, try it.

Massage eyes socket.

Massage the forehead.

Remove bags under the eyes.

Improve scoliosis.

Let's test it out, What is the risk of stroke in the future?

Strong your back and legs.

Back exercise

Frequent urination at night? try it.

Horse stance

Relaxation exercise

Press Jiache point

Improve Hemorrhoids.

Stimulate life energy, longevity.

The practice of a 110-year-old man

1000 years Taoist Qigong, Boost kidney energy.

Relaxation exercises

If you wake up in the morning with swollen eyes, try it.

Improve spinal flexibility and repair injuries.

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