
Poor peripheral circulation, cold hands and feet, try it.

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Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes.

Poor peripheral circulation, cold hands and feet, try it.
Natural breath, finger squeeze, stand on your toes.
3-5 minutes in the morning and evening.

The heart is the body's largest source of power and heat, if you lack of exercise or as you get older will lead to a lack of heart power, can not send blood to the peripheral microcirculation, you will feel cold hands and feet, or even numbness lost consciousness.

The purpose of exercising the fingers and toes is to improve circulation and strengthen the heart. The strength of the heart muscle will increase after long-term practice, and it has the ability to move blood to the end.

If it is difficult to practice for 3-5 minutes at a time, you can practice in 2-3 sets. You can also stand against a wall to make it easier.

The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly, if you do not have time, it is recommended to start daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest and most effective way.

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240544- Improves blood circulation and reduces stress on the heart.

240527-Often chest tightness, shortness of breath, may be poor heart circulation, try this exercise.

240373-Poor circulation, edema, chills, soreness, give it a try.

Finger combing

For people over 60 years old.

Improve vascular health throughout the body.

240477-Lung maintenance.

240547-Improve systemic microcirculation and reduce the burden on the heart.

240505-Qigong: Qi flows in an eternal cycle.

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Enhance kidney energy, energetic.

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Relieve back pain and lose back fat.

Improve thoracic flexibility and relieve pain.

240350- Weak body, low energy, poor digestion, try it.

Pat eyes

240338-Knee maintenance.

240321- Osteoporosis, try it.

Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

240360-Rub the heart meridians

Improve blood vessel elasticity, prevent heart disease and stroke.

Hips exercise

240288-Rub the liver meridians

Press the Shaofu point

240366-Rub liver area.

Flick your fingers

Relieve neck and shoulder pain.

240454-Qigong: Giant of the sky.

Qigong, open up your chest

Open emotional channels to relieve bad emotions

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