
High blood pressure? try it.

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Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes.

High blood pressure? try it.
81 times in the morning and evening

The heart is responsible for the circulation of blood throughout the body. When the heart lacks energy, blood pressure is low, and when the heart has excess energy, blood pressure is high. How to drain excess energy from the heart? There are many ways, such as we can put ourselves in a relaxed and calm state, blood pressure will be lowered and stabilized. We can also pinch the middle finger, because the middle finger belongs to the meridians of the heart, stimulation of the middle finger can regulate the energy of the heart, to the heart decompress, adhere to a period of time, you will find that the blood pressure slowly drops, tends to normal.

Of course, I recommend full body exercises to keep the muscles and blood vessels in a state of relaxation so that blood pressure can remain stable for a long time.

240544- Improves blood circulation and reduces stress on the heart.

Lower high blood pressure.

Promote blood flow from the calf to the heart and reduce the pressure on the heart.

Feel restless, can't sleep? try it.

240532-Dredge the kidney and bladder meridians, achieve water and fire balance, help heart health.

Press the Shaofu point

Laogong point rub Yongquan point

Massage the forehead.

Step back on tiptoe

240310-Low blood pressure, try it.

Press Jiache point

High blood pressure? try it.

Strong your back and legs.

240483-One-nostril respiration.

Qigong, Activate the internal meridians.

Improve eyes and heart health

Bedtime routine

Exercise your brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Enhance kidney energy, energetic.

Relaxation exercises

Calf exercise

One movement exercise five internal organs.

Relieve back pain and lose back fat.

240181-Relax and Stamp

Boost heart power.

Frequent urination at night? try it.

Relaxation exercises

Poor peripheral circulation, cold hands and feet, try it.

Massage eyes socket.

Beat chest, belly

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