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delicious rice noodle stir-fry
乾米粉 200公克 rice-noodle 200g
紅蔥頭碎 30公克 shallots 30g
五花肉絲 150公克 shred pork 150g
泡發香菇絲 5朵 shiitake mushroom 5pcs
蝦米 30公克 dried shrimps 30g
水 200ml water 200ml
高麗菜絲 350公克 cabbage 350g
紅蘿蔔絲 80公克 carrot 80g
醬油 2大匙 soy sauce 2tbsp.;ajjukkj
米酒 1大匙 cooking rice wine 1tbsp.
鹽 1/2茶匙 salt 1/2tsp.
糖 1茶匙 sugar 1tsp.
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙 white pepper powder 1/2tsp.
烏醋 1又1/2大匙 black rice vinegar 1.5tbsp.
芹菜珠 30公克 Chinese celery 30g

1. 燒一鍋水,放入乾米粉汆燙,待再度滾沸煮約1分鐘,撈起濾掉水分。(米粉用燙的口感更Q)
2. 熱鍋,倒入1大匙油,放入紅蔥頭碎爆香。
3. 再放入五花肉絲、泡發香菇絲、蝦米炒至肉變色,繼續煸出豬油。)
4. 加入材料B調味,再加入水煮沸後,放入燙過的米粉,用筷子翻炒散開。
5. 再放入高麗菜絲、紅蘿蔔絲炒勻。
6. 轉小火,蓋上蓋子燜2分鐘。(燜一下讓米粉吸收湯汁)
7. 開蓋加入烏醋和芹菜珠,再用筷子拌炒均勻即可。 (用筷子翻炒米粉不易斷裂,最後再加烏醋香味不散失)

Boil a pot of water and blanch the dried rice noodles. Cook for about 1 minute after the water boils, then remove the noodles and drain off excess water. (Blanching the noodles will make them more chewy.)
Heat a wok or frying pan and add 1 tbsp of oil. Add the minced shallots and stir-fry until fragrant.
Add the pork belly strips, rehydrated shiitake mushroom strips, and dried shrimp. Stir-fry until the pork changes color and releases some fat.
Add the seasoning ingredients from group B and water. Bring to a boil, then add the blanched rice noodles. Use chopsticks to stir-fry and separate the noodles.
Add the shredded cabbage and shredded carrot, and stir-fry evenly.
Turn the heat to low, cover with a lid, and simmer for 2 minutes. (Simmering will allow the rice noodles to absorb the broth.)
Add the black vinegar and celery knots, and stir-fry evenly with chopsticks. (Stir-frying with chopsticks will prevent the noodles from breaking, and adding the black vinegar at the end will keep its fragrance from dissipating.)



























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